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Community Guidelines

Diaspora CDMX strives to be a safe, comfortable, and inclusive environment for all. By joining us at our events, you agree to respect everyone in the Diaspora CDMX community.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Diaspora is a community that does not allow any racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, ableist, ageist, or violent behavior at our events. 

We reserve the right to restrict or reject any person whose presence has impacted anyone from our community in a negative manner. 

The Diaspora CDMX format is intimate by nature: our events are presented in close proximity. While we take precautions to safeguard everyone, we trust our audience to respect the intimacy of the space. Never touch anyone without their consent and always give the artists ample space to perform. 

Any attendee who harasses or is violent towards an artist or fellow audience member will be removed from the venue by our security team.

Respect and Intimacy

Reporting Adverse Experiences

We are dedicated to building intentional spaces for artists and fans, but we recognize that not all shows are safe for everyone at all times. While we strive to make our events as comfortable as possible, we urge you to report any adverse experiences to one of our trained welfare team members or, for artists, the dedicated Artist Liaison. If you’re unable to report an experience at one of our events, please contact us at after the fact. Our team is here to support you as best we can.


Substance Use

We ask those in attendance to be mindful of excessive consumption of intoxicants for your safety and the safety of others. The majority of our events are recorded for later streaming or documented in some format; you are responsible for how you appear on camera and we encourage you to be conscious of this. This is a special moment for our artists, so we urge you not to detract from that by behaving inappropriately.

While we do not condone the consumption of illegal narcotics under any circumstances, if you or someone in your proximity has overconsumed, do not hesitate to seek assistance from one of our on-site staff. Always try to leave our events with someone you trust and inform your friends when you leave the venue.


Inclusivity and Consideration

Please be considerate of your presentation and language, ensuring that your choices are inclusive. Always avoid actions that could be deemed offensive to other artists, our team, or the Diaspora CDMX audience.



At Diaspora CDMX, we are committed to improving the experience for disabled attendees at our events. Due to working largely with independent venues, access will vary. However, we aim to provide as much detail on access information for each event as well as prioritize accessible venues. Note that events may use strobe lighting.


If you require additional information on venue access points, use of accessible toilets, viewing platform access, or anything else regarding access facilities for a Diaspora CDMX show, please contact us. We will always do our best to meet your needs.


Thank you for helping us maintain a safe, inclusive, and enjoyable environment for everyone at Diaspora CDMX events.


For more information or any questions, please contact us.

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